all about me

I have craziness
Hidden deep inside me
For the people I love
And admire whose deeds

I act so wild sometimes
When someone hurt my Besties
But I keep quiet always
When something happens with me

I love it so much
If someone make me smile
But I'll be even more happier
If the happiness is gifted by me

I do apologize always
Leaving all attitude
Cause I have forgiving nature
And I'm scared of losing my dudes

Sometimes I feel I'm brutal
When I think of flesh, meat and blood
And some hilarious criminals
But I know I can't do that

I ignore everything
Whatever I don't like
Never ask anyone to stop
Or to be anyone's or mine

I hate relationships
As they all are fake at all
Children, lovers, enemies
They seems just like loads

I always mess up things
And I'm the nasty one
I hate to touch water
But sand is my soul

I have helping nature
And I can't ever say 'No'
But if I'm not interested in someone
I won't pay attention at all

I'm innocent and flirty 
At the same point of time
But I can't see tears
In loved ones of mine

Literally I'm human phobic
But I love animals too much
As I always met humans
With a soul of beasts and monsters

I'm extremely careless
Even for the one I love
But I never leave anyone
Because my heart have respect

A little dark and spiritual
Living in imagination always
I do talk and little things
With people who don't exists

I won't bother anyone
No matter what happens
But sometimes a little message
Makes me happy as hell

I have a lot of negativity
Even bunch of suicide thoughts
But I always heal 
Since I'm strong enough

That's all about me
About my true character
If you understood it
You know me well


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