All dreams

He was brutal that day
Like the lion before deer
He tied my body with a brownish rope
On the wooden edges of my soft bed

I was totally surprised
As I seen a wild animal inside him
He took a sharpened knife
And started piercing every layer of my skin

He was extracting my every part
And I was just watching unconsciously
I wanted to scream hard
But my voice denied to support me

He was dipped in the blood
My own dark reddish blood
And suddenly I get up and stood
I found nothing around me

Was that really happened?
I watched the cuts on my corpse
But everything was disappeared like nothing
And again I'm motionless drowning in my own thoughts

Was it just schizoaffective disorder
Or I'm seek of depression
Is my own character from the world inside the mirror came out?
Or it's demonic possession

Everything going through my sight
And I forgotten my existence
I found myself in the middle of a desert
Doing what?... nothing! Just laying down on the burning sand

He was still standing there
Hiding the large sun behind his head
Giving me shadow of his hellish muscles
And again I woke up from all dreams


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