
Showing posts from June, 2020

a piece of flesh

Sometimes unknown ones And sometimes the one I loved most Sometimes it's from my own family And sometimes I don't even know Everyone I met Every time They just want this body I'm wearing on my soul They grab it like It's a non living thing And eat it  As they're hungry from years For them, I'm a piece of flesh In the sea of monsters Am I ? A piece of food Since the very first I born And till I'll die A living large Burger That everyone tasted Sometimes I haven't knew, The game I used to hate And sometimes they forced me To be their horny bait And where I end up Thinking that there's a mistake In my own self? No. I never knew anything That was paining me And getting to know all this At the point when I understand It's the real pain That I was grabbed and eaten Not by an animal But by the horny human beings Humans that I never knew  And humans whom I loved most The real mistake is In the hearts that god made In the man's fucking bra

dusk on peak

When the dawn was hidden And dusk was on the peak When dogs were yelling And peopled were sick Was there something? That wasn't quick A slowly moving thing In hostel's last wing Should we move? Or should wait to see it What was that Having strange voices And undefined name Or it's just a machine Or a controllable game Is it miraculous? Or a wizard doing this What about that? The sleeping fish It was still sounding like A war has begin Should we go to see? Or keep away from it A wand is moving Is a witch doing this? When dawn was hidden  And dusk was on peak

she was just a child

She was just a child A student of class 2 An innocent girl  When she was enjoying The rain on terrace And her neighbour, a boy Came there and forced her To do something weird She never knew why? She was just a child A little innocent girl of 7 When the old man of about 50  Shown her something Hilarious and terrible She was actually afraid but excited That she just has seen a real ghost Because they were doing the things That humans usually don't So she thought it's a ghost. She was the girl of 10 now When she attended her uncle's marriage And when she was sleeping Her uncle's friend came in And grabbing her like no one do She screamed hardly And everyone came  And started cursing him Don't know what happened there What was he doing Since, she was still innocent Now, she was of 11 maybe When her own uncle was abusing her Playing hide and seek in front of others And something else inside the blanket And she thought it's just a game That she don't l

mysterious life

People born Having a fixed life Some may just survive And some live with smile After a long journey Lying on death bed They born again  And that's called afterlife The world same as their prelife But the people got changed They met the one  That they thought that were lost Lost in the large universe But they live in another world Of hell and heaven Hell for those Who did wrong before Who Lied or killed Or robbed someone's bag And heaven for those Who helped other guys Who loved someone truly And maybe got some scars What make them alive? Is the energy named god Which lives inside us We know it as soul It all combines  On a boundless bowl Undefined and infinite Full of living beings  And beings after life The universe In which we survive Or live a mysterious life

the pain

The pain is all around I seen it in hearts, Minds and brains Sometimes its physical And sometimes, Make us mentally ill Some says it never ends And some take it as temporary The pain is in every part On every single living being  Sometimes it's unseen Hiding behind a smile And sometimes people yell Try just to describe The pain that can't be expressed And can't be defined It hurts the heart Hiding behind the mind Getting older and older Blurred with the time Pain is all around Hidden behind every smile And crushing every life

pregnant elephant

How can humans do that? How a human can be so cruel? Where is their kindness? And where is the love in their hearts? I might feel the feeling she had In the heart of a pregnant elephant When she saw the pineapple Blessing the man who gave that Happily praying for humans Who had wore the fake mask of kindness And what happened then? After eating the fruit She get to know something The power of fucking inhumanes When her mouth was started bursting With the crackers inside her food She got a wound with first cracker And the chain of crackers started to burst Paining and paining her more and more deeply And she was looking for death Still, she was confused How that happened Because she loved humans? She believed them And what happened with her? She got deep wounds in her mouth As well as holes in her pure heart The heart who never hurts anyone Was burning alive by pain And the baby in her stomach Was crying like hell The little baby who wanted to see The hellish world in beauti

who loves me?

Who loves me?  The people I always do ignore?  Or the one I admire all alone The one whom I hurt most?  Or the one I love without cost When I turned right Or left and around I found the people all over  But I was alone Who loves me?  The one whom I love?  Or the one I do ignore Another question arises That who loves me more?  The one who waits for me?  Or the one who follows me everyday on road The one who always try to talk Or the one who shy a lot But leaving everything I'm thinking about my doll My bestie who always be with me And wait for me for hours Who loves me?  Who loves me more? 

the only thing I require

Who made the love in my heart? The one wearing a black shirt?  Whom I always keep admire Who rang the bell in my mind?  And made me more and more kind To made me to have high desire Who created the feeling of hurt?  And make me to do curse And raised the jealousy, a fire When I feel a little shy While saying little cute lies But still, i don't feel like liar The emotions are weird sometimes And i become possessive everytime I need love, the only thing I require

the separation

I had a story of love Having feelings like couple of dove And then, enemy came named as religion Remembering the moments when we kissed And now, the phone calls are just missed But we both can't bear this separation We miss, the days and the love talks Having hands in hands and endless walks now, we're dying for just a communication The every little thing we used to share And the heart filled with your care See now, we don't even know our location What I have deep inside me is just your reflection The love, the touch and never forgetting sensation

poem defines me

Poem is something That expresses us That gives us relief And describes us When our heart die It keeps us alive When there is no one It makes us a little fine The poem is a feeling And may be little imaging Science, fiction and dark Or may be it's an art Poem is undefined sometimes And have different meanings  For me, it's my best friend And the words, which can define me It changes it's values And shows us what it can be It's hard to define a poem But it defines me

missing her

I can't see anyone smiling Can't even find anyone happy  The table and chair I'm sitting on And the wall in front of me All the little things behind me And every little part  near my heart And lungs Are crying hard for her It seems like everything around me are sad Yelling to meet her Trying to be with her And dying to love her Her sadness, Madness,  craziness and loveliness Eating me silently  And asking me to see her This is how alone I'm  How hardly my every single part is Missing her badly  And loving her truly

fake smile

"Do you really love him?" I asked her secretly "What you think?" She replied "Yes, I guess" I said  She turned around to the window To hide that blushing red face That cute smile bears every feeling That a girl can have for a boy "Oh! But, do you know about him?" This question of mine hurts her Her face became dull within seconds And now, she was hiding her face To hide the sadness on her eyes "No, what are you talking about?" She asked me back "Ask your heart" I replied And that smile disappeared for days Still she was in love Just the smile got disappeared Because she knew she shouldn't Whenever she stares at him  It hurts her own heart more and more And finally the day came When she learned to live Learned to smile again Though it's fake now But she learned to live With a smile on face The fake smile

virtual world

Hey! Can you see? There is a girl sitting near the tree And some people standing behind you Gossiping about life after the death Can you see anyone? No? But it's true There is an another world too Which is living with you Hiding from you And running like humans do There is a hidden mysterious world Which is disappeared But still some part of it is present The people who used to live here Are still living here too What if we can't see It's just in virtual world But it's true

trapped in own thinking

On the upper branch of a tree A creature was sitting and was free Watching a man trying but still sinking The creature was a gentle toad So he jumped to the road Cause he had a habit of helping Began swimming to that lost guy With a floater because he can't fly And reached to the man who was screaming By the face, he was seemed like cool But literally he was really a fool Still, he had no brain and was shrinking When the toad came close, he found the man was just drinking "Oh gosh", the toad was trapped in his own thinking

every day, all alone

After years, I decided to go there To visit my favourite place The place where I was living Not just surviving, really living When I reached there The pleasant voice knocked my head "Bhumi... I know you came, I know you're hiding behind the door Just come inside now, please" My heart was missing it Missing it hard from years But I know, it's not real The memories were sliding In front of my blurred sight  I remembered the last day, When I met you last time You asked me to wear anklets always So that, you may find me And now, see I'm wore anklet for you But there is no one to search me No one, who is waiting for me Just the memories The place, where you used to sit always Is still alive with your fragrance As it's just yours And no one can replace that fragrance I remembered When we used to do gossips Without any disturbances, for hours And eating everything together Dancing together And singing the songs together But, I sang it alone this time The

deep room

The deep room,  Deep inside my home Near the deepest corner of my heart Deep enough to keep my memories And the high load of emotions Deep as a never ending sea And upto the infinity Keeping all voices of loved ones Who left the world Deep as not everyone can bear it And not everyone can stand The deepest room In deepest corner of my heart My favorite place to go Only favorite place in this big world The world of mine The deep room inside my home In the deepest corner of my heart The deep room

just a bed

The head is sweating And scared is my voice The fear is in eyes And standing with a knife The hands are vibrating And heart is screaming Standing on the middle of road Who someone who is helping Clock stopped working And everything was movement less Heart doesn't seems to beat And blood is quite still There was nothing to bring And nor anything left to give The world is fully empty Just a bed, "death bed", I got as a gift

forgive or leave me to regret

I may unconsciously sink Or may bring so much to drink But I'll never choose you to date I'm the one, the most cute And you? A ripened fruit The word pops up is just "hate" You don't belongs to any link You just shrink and shrink And I have a lot more to create You insist me to be with you Like the cap with bottle or some glue But sorry, I don't want to debate Well, I have a brownish suit And in it, you'll surely look so cute So, we have so much left to be made Let me tell you the reason Behind change in behavior like season I wanted to see you in this shade I just wanted you to wear it and try But unfortunately you were too much shy Forgive me now or leave me to regret #chhaya It's an gammo poem, gammo style of Ethiopia

need and want

What you want? What you need? The god asked me To give me my birthday gift I need a diary But I want it to be endless I need to live away And want a home of sand I need the love But want it from the sky I need to stay happy But want to stay alone and cry I need to raise my voice  But want to keep everything and die I need to die But want to live with my love I need to run away But want someone to walk by my side I need to stay alive But I want to lost my soul What I need, what I want Does it matter?, until I get the chance