fake smile

"Do you really love him?"
I asked her secretly
"What you think?"
She replied
"Yes, I guess" I said 
She turned around to the window
To hide that blushing red face
That cute smile bears every feeling
That a girl can have for a boy
"Oh! But, do you know about him?"
This question of mine hurts her
Her face became dull within seconds
And now, she was hiding her face
To hide the sadness on her eyes
"No, what are you talking about?"
She asked me back
"Ask your heart" I replied
And that smile disappeared for days
Still she was in love
Just the smile got disappeared
Because she knew she shouldn't
Whenever she stares at him 
It hurts her own heart more and more
And finally the day came
When she learned to live
Learned to smile again
Though it's fake now
But she learned to live
With a smile on face
The fake smile


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