pregnant elephant

How can humans do that?
How a human can be so cruel?
Where is their kindness?
And where is the love in their hearts?
I might feel the feeling she had
In the heart of a pregnant elephant
When she saw the pineapple
Blessing the man who gave that
Happily praying for humans
Who had wore the fake mask of kindness
And what happened then?
After eating the fruit
She get to know something
The power of fucking inhumanes
When her mouth was started bursting
With the crackers inside her food
She got a wound with first cracker
And the chain of crackers started to burst
Paining and paining her more and more deeply
And she was looking for death
Still, she was confused
How that happened
Because she loved humans?
She believed them
And what happened with her?
She got deep wounds in her mouth
As well as holes in her pure heart
The heart who never hurts anyone
Was burning alive by pain
And the baby in her stomach
Was crying like hell
The little baby who wanted to see
The hellish world in beautiful illusion
But instead of it
He had to watch his mother in pain
The pain in the heart of pregnant elephant
And still, she was unaware of everything
Thinking about devil's brain
And the mistakes she never did
She ran to the river
To relieve the pain of fire
The fire inside her mouth
Without harming anyone
And without any complaints
She was just speechless
Because, how can she scream now
After all, the insane humans destroyed her mouth
Destroyed her jaw
And the pure heart
But the two hearts beating inside her 
Were yelling and mourning hard
And after some moments
Everything was moment less
The two creatures
Symbols of god
Were dead
The two who believed humans
Who loved us
Got died
Without telling their pain
Just quietly
Their soul got disappeared
To the heaven of lord
Away from humans
with innocent souls
Standing at the door
And asking everyone the reason
Why humans killed them?
What mistake they did?
Why humans are so insane,
Kind less, mindless and murderer
Do they don't have heart?
Roaming and searching for
The reason behind the death
The pain she had
In the heart of pregnant elephant


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