The journey of being hopeless

When the world says
"Everything will be alright"
And my heart shouts silently
"I can't believe it can"
The journey of being hopeless began

When we got stuck somewhere
And we know there is no one
Literally no one to help us
That could mean that we are travelling
On the journey of being hopeless

When we need someone 
To heal our pain
But we don't ask anyone
And we know, no one is here with us
We might be at the middle of that journey

When we don't believe anyone
Neither our luck, nor the lord
And we lost hope
Even on unexpected things 
The journey of being hopeless is about to end

When we bear all pain
Without letting anyone know
Dying from inside
And find no place to go
The journey of being hopeless ends

Ends with empty hands
And empty brain
Having no thoughts or blames
And free of arguments
The journey of being hopeless ends


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